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Let's explore
the Mood Moon!

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

1. Do you feel pleasant or unpleasant?

2. Is your energy high or low?

The Mood Moon helps connect how your body feels to the word for that feeling.

To place your feelings, you can use the Mood Moon! Just ask yourself two questions:

1. Do I feel pleasant or unpleasant?


2. Is my energy low or high?

low energy
high energy

The Mood Moon goes from pleasant feelings at the top to unpleasant feelings at the bottom. And from low energy feelings on the left to high energy feelings on the right.


These turn into four zones:  green, yellow, blue, and red. Once you place what zone you’re in, then it can be easier to find a feeling. You can use any word on the Mood Moon — or even think of a different feeling word! 

For example, if you feel pleasant and high energy, you’re in the yellow zone! Inside the yellow zone are words like excited or surprised or playful! Do one of those match how you’re feeling?

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